Your Drivers

With all Driven Wine Tour drivers, you can expect to be treated with dignity and respect. Our drivers will drive your vehicle safely and handle it with the care it deserves. (All drivers have a class 4 BC license.) Our drivers will open vehicle and winery doors and assist you in every way possible. At each winery, our drivers ensure you know where to go, confirm your reservation and direct you to your tasting area. They will ensure your tour runs according to the itinerary prepared for you but can also make adjustments along the way. They will carry all of your wine from the winery to the vehicle and organize your purchases into clearly labelled customized wine carriers. At the end of your trip, they will carry the boxes to your residence. In addition, they are great conversationalists!


Glen Heinrichs

Glen has been living in Oliver in the Okanagan Valley for over 20 years and has seen the transformation of the valley from orchards to vineyards and now into a thriving wine destination. He has been driving wine tours for eight years and is intimately familiar with all wineries in the South Okanagan.

Glen has a B.Ed. and M.A. and moonlights as an educator and stand-up comedian. He enjoys serving people and loves to make conversation. He has been married 38 years and has four grown children and four in-laws. He is passionate about parenting and leadership, among other things, and is willing to offer his humble opinions if you ask.